Avionics Updates
Technological advances in aircraft avionics require integration of complex systems in aircraft of all generations. These aircraft modifications must be matched by simulator integration in order to allow pilot training on the new systems.
Often the simulator integration of aircraft avionics is more complex than the aircraft installation. ASC provides cost effective and innovative avionics installations on all aircraft type simulators. Having perfected interfacing and integrating with many generations of flight sims and host computer types, the installations and integrations can usually be completed during simulator off-hours with no impact to regular training schedules. Where possible and where practical, ASC uses existing hardware channels and standard software methods to access system IO that communicates with avionics equipment. However in cases where spare channels are not available or accessible, ASC’s proprietary avionics IO systems are used.
The proprietary IO systems are based on maintenance-free microprocessors and microelectronic devices — they do not require disk backups and do not suffer from reboot issues as some equivalent PC systems do. Check the following links to see some interesting details of ASC avionics installations:
- TAWS (EGPWS, etc)
- TCAS II, version 7.1 update
- GIC/NSD for Fokker 100
- WxR & PWS
- Windshear detection and guidance